The following publications and information sources are of interest to small business exporters. The publications and information sources are organized by chapter as they are referred to in Breaking Into The Trade Game. Other publications and information sources not referred to directly, but of relevance to each chapter heading, are also included.
EXPORTER'S GUIDE TO FEDERAL RESOURCES FOR SMALL BUSINESS U.S. Government Printing Office Superintendent of Documents Washington, D.C. 20402 Phone: 202/783-3238 or contact the Government Printing Office in your area.
Publication number 045-000-00263-2 Price: $4.75
Identifies major federal programs designed to assist small business owners export.
U.S. Small Business Administration International Trade Assistance SBA FACT SHEET #42
Available through your nearest SBA District Office.
Information on SBA's financial and business development assistance programs for the small business exporter.
AGEXPORTER United States Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service Information Division, Room 4638-S Washington, D.C. 20520-1000 Phone: 202/720-3329 Price: $17.00 per year (domestic delivery) $21.00 per year (international delivery)
Magazine on international trade and trade opportunities overseas. Published by the Department of Agriculture.
BUSINESS AMERICA U.S. Government Printing Office Superintendent of Documents Washington, DC 20402 Phone: 202/783-3238 or contact the Government Printing Office in your area. Price: $61.00 per year; $2.50 each issue
Magazine on international trade issues and business opportunities overseas. Published bi-weekly by the U.S. Department of Commerce.
EXPORT TODAY 733 15th Street, N.W., Suite 1100 Washington, D.C. 20005 Phone: 202/737-1060 FAX: 202/783-5966
Price: $49.00 per year
The "how to" international business magazine for U.S. exporters. Published ten times a year.
THE EXPORTER 34 West 37th Street New York, NY 10018 Phone: 212/563-2772 FAX: 212/563-2798
Price: $144.00 per year
Monthly reports on the business of exporting.
FOREIGN TRADE MAGAZINE 6849 Old Dominion Drive, #200 McLean, VA 22101 Phone: 703/448-1338 FAX: 703/448-1841
Price: $45.00 per year (10 editions)
Features trade briefs, information on financing, shipping, air cargo, trucks and rails, and current legislation.
GLOBAL TRADE MAGAZINE North American Publishing Company 401 North Broad Street Philadelphia, PA 19108 Phone: 215/238-5300
Price: $45.00 per year
Information on international finance, transportation and commerce.
INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MAGAZINE American International Publishing Corporation 500 Mamaroneck Avenue, Suite 314 Harrison, NY 10528 Phone: 914/381-7700 FAX: 914/381-7713 Price: $48.00 per year
Reports on overseas market opportunities, global corporate strategies, trade and political developments to assess their impact on U.S. imports, exports, joint ventures and acquisitions.
JOURNAL OF COMMERCE Two World Trade Center, 27th Floor New York, NY 10048 Phone: 212/837-7000
Price: $295.00 per year
Information on domestic and foreign economic developments plus export opportunities, agricultural trade leads, shipyards, export ABCs and trade fair information. Feature articles on tariff and non-tariff barriers, licensing controls, joint ventures and trade legislation in foreign countries.
WORLD TRADE MAGAZINE Taipan Press, Inc. 500 Newport Center Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 Phone: 714/640-7070 FAX: 714/640-7770
Price: $24.00 per year
Profiles of successful exporters and reports on international trade developments.
A BASIC GUIDE TO EXPORTING U.S. Government Printing Office Superintendent of Documents Washington, D.C. 20402 Phone: 202/783-3238 or contact the Government Printing Office in your area. Publication number: 003-009-00487-0 Price: $9.50
The steps involved in exporting and sources of assistance.
EXPORT SALES AND MARKETING MANUAL by John Jagoe Export USA Publications 4141 Parklawn Avenue South, Suite 110 Minneapolis, MN 55435 Phone: 612/893-0624 FAX: 612/903-1626
Price:$295.00 for manual $175.00 for quarterly updates
Step-by-step procedural manual for marketing U.S. products worldwide. The manual contains illustrations, flow charts, worksheets and samples of export contracts, shipping documents and effective international correspondence. Order from the National Association of Manufacturers, P.O. Box 2000, Kearneysville, WV 25430-2000 or call 1-800-445-6285.
EXPORTISE The Small Business Foundation of America 1155 15th Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20005 Phone: 202/223-1103
Price: $49.50
Instructional manual on conducting international business, with detailed information on the process of exporting.
WORLD BUSINESS DIRECTORY The World Trade Centers Association Gale Research Inc. Attn: David Hoagg 835 Penobscot Building Detroit, MI 48226 Phone: 313/961-2242 FAX: 313/961-6241
Price: $395.00
Directory of trade-oriented businesses. Included is coverage of emerging trade regions. Four volumes.
A GUIDE TO EXPANDING IN THE GLOBAL MARKET by Ernst & Young John Wiley and Sons, Inc. 605 Third Avenue New York, NY 10158 Phone: 1-800-225-5945
Price: $39.95 hardcover ISBN: 0-471-528-307
Handbook providing practical information and instructions for global expansion.
BUILDING AN IMPORT/EXPORT BUSINESS - REVISED AND EXPANDED EDITION by Kenneth D. Weiss John Wiley and Sons, Inc. 605 Third Avenue New York, NY 10158 Phone: 1-800-225-5945 Price: $14.95 ISBN: 0-471-536-27X
A handbook designed to guide the novice through complexities of foreign trade. Discussion includes source and outlet management, suppliers and distributors, goods and currencies.
EXPANDING MARKETS INTERNATIONALLY Instrument Society of America P.O. Box 3561Durham, NC 27702 Phone: 919/549-8411 FAX: 919/549-8288 Price: $24.00 ISA members, $30.00 non-members
Includes export market sales techniques, international field support needs, international business transactions and international sales and marketing plans.
PROFITABLE EXPORTING: A COMPLETE GUIDE TO MARKETING YOUR PRODUCTS ABROAD by John S. Gordon and J.R. Arnold John Wiley and Sons, Inc. 605 Third Avenue New York, NY 10158 Phone: 1-800-225-5945
Price: $60.00 ISBN: 0-471-61334-7
A step-by-step guide on how to enter and succeed in the export marketplace. Topics include markets, strategies, organizational management, risk analysis and controls.
Export Hotline: 1-800-USA-XPORT
Presented by AT&T and the Hotline Referral Network in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Commerce. The Export Hotline is a corporate sponsored, nationwide fax retrieval system providing international trade information for U.S. business. Its purpose is to help find new markets for U.S. products and services.
The Export Opportunity Hotline The Small Business Foundation of America 1155 15th Street N.W. Washington, D.C. 20005 Phone: 1-800-243-7232 In Washington, D.C. 202/223-1104
Answers questions about getting started in exporting. Advice on product distribution; documentation; licensing and insurance; export financing; analyzing distribution options, export management firms; customs; currency exchange systems and travel requirements.
DEVELOPING YOUR INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS PLAN Lake Michigan College International Business Center Small Business Development Center 2755 East Napier Avenue Benton Harbor, MI 49022-1899 Phone: 616/927-8100, extension 5116 Fax: 616/927-8103 fax
Price: $20.00 disk, $20.00 hard copy
FOREIGN ECONOMIC TRENDS U.S. Government Printing Office Superintendent of Documents Washington, D.C. 20402 Phone: 202/783-3238 or contact the Government Printing Office in your area.
Price: $67.00 per year
Commercial and economic data on a country-by-country basis. Consists of material issues published irregularly for approximately one year. Prepared in cooperation Department of State.
FOREIGN TRADE REPORT FTR925 United States Merchandise Trade: Exports, General Imports, and Imports for Consumption U.S. Government Printing Office Superintendent of Documents Washington, D.C. 20402 Phone: 202/783-3238 or contact the Government Printing Office in your area.
Price: $136.00 per year.
A monthly country-specific breakdown of imports and exports by Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) number.
DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE ECONOMIC BULLETIN BOARD (EBB) U.S. Department of Commerce 14th and Constitution Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20230 Phone: 202/482-1986 FAX: 202/482-2164 or try EBB as a guest user by dialing 202/482-3870 with PC and modem (2400 baud, 8 bit words, no parity, 1 stop bit)
EBB is a personal computer-based electronic bulletin board providing trade leads and up-to-date statistical releases from the Bureau of Census, the Bureau of Economic Analysis, the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the Federal Reserve Board and other federal agencies.
NATIONAL TRADE DATA BANK (NTDB) U.S. Department of Commerce 14th and Constitution Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20230 Phone: 202/482-1986 FAX: 202/482-2164
Price: $35.00 per disk or $360.00 for one year
The NTDB is an international trade data bank compiled by 15 U.S. government agencies. It contains the latest census data on U.S. imports and exports by commodity and country, the complete CIA World Factbook, current market research, the Foreign Traders Index and many other data series. The NTDB is available at over 800 federal depository libraries, or can be purchased on CD-ROM for personal PC use.
Offices of Africa, Near East and South Asia 202/482-1064. Categories include general and country information (Nigeria and South Africa). For the Office of the Near East, categories include general and country information (Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates and Yemen). Categories for the Office of South Asia include general and country information (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Maldives, Pakistan and Sri Lanka).
WORLD FACTBOOK U.S. Government Printing Office Superintendent of Documents Washington, D.C. 20402 Phone: 202/783-3238 or contact the Government Printing Office in your area.
Price: $23.00
Produced by Central Intelligence Agency, this book gives geographic and demographic information about each country around the globe.
WORLD BANK ATLAS The World Bank Publication Department, 1818 H Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20433 Phone: 202/473-2209
Price: $7.95 plus $3.50 shipping and handling
Gives population, gross domestic product and average growth rates for every country.
U.N. STATISTICAL YEARBOOK, 37th Edition United Nations Publications Room DC 2-0853 New York, NY 10017 Phone: 212/963-8302
Price: $100.00
Economic and demographic data for 220 countries. Most recent statistics through 1989.
INTERNATIONAL TRADE STATISTICS YEARBOOK United Nations Publications, Room DC2-0853 New York, NY 10017 Phone: 212/963-8302
Price: $125.00
Statistical analysis of overall foreign trade by regions and countries, as well as world exports by origin, destination and product category.
DEMOGRAPHIC YEARBOOK United Nations Publications Two UN Plaza, Room DC2-0853 New York, NY 10017 Phone: 212/963-8302, 1-800-253-9646
Price: $125.00
Demographics for 220 countries. Most recent statistics through 1989.
UNESCO STATISTICAL YEARBOOK Unipub 4611-F Assembly Drive Lanham, MD 20706 Phone: 1-800-274-4888
Price: $95.00
Economic and demographic data for 200 countries.
INTERNATIONAL MARKETING HANDBOOK Gale Research Incorporated Penobscot Building Detroit, MI 48226 Phone: 313/961-2242 FAX: 313/961-6241
Price: $235.00
Detailed marketing profiles for 141 nations. Includes country reports averaging 31 pages in length. 4,400 pages in three volumes.
WORLDCASTS Predicasts North America 11001 Cedar Avenue Cleveland, OH 44106 Phone: 1-800-321-6388 FAX: 216/229-9944
Price: $1,300.00 for entire set; regional and product editions, $900.00 each; single editions $450.00
Abstracts over 60,000 forecasts for products and markets in countries outside the United States. Published annually.
EXPORTER'S ENCYCLOPEDIA Dun's Marketing Services Three Sylvan Way Parsippany, NJ 07054-3896 Phone: 1-800-526-0651
Price: $530.00 per year
An annual handbook covering more than 220 world markets.
BUREAU OF THE CENSUS FOREIGN TRADE REPORT: ANNUALU.S.EXPORTERS, HARMONIZED SCHEDULE B COMMODITY BY COUNTRY U.S. Government Printing Office Superintendent of Documents Washington, D.C. 20402 Phone: 202/783-3238 or contact the GovernmentPrinting Office in your area.
Price: $39.00
OVERSEAS BUSINESS REPORTS U.S. Department of Commerce Superintendent of Documents U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 Phone: 202/783-3238 or contact the Government Printing Office in your area.
Price: Varies depending on country.
Reports provide background statistics and economic information on specific countries. Published annually. (These reports are also available on the National Trade Data Bank.)
ECONOMIC OUTLOOK Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development Publication 2001 L Street N.W., Suite 700 Washington, D.C. 20036 Phone: 202/785-6323 FAX: 202/785-0345
Price: $18.00 per issue or $225.00 per year.
Provides economic summaries of OECD's 24 member countries. Published semi-annually.
TRADE PAGES INTERNATIONAL 1730 K Street, N.W. Suite 304 Washington, D.C. 20006 Phone: 1-800-366-5968 FAX: 202/331-3759 Price: $59.95 per country
Country-specific directories of key government and private sector contacts. Seventeen sections of invaluable information.
DOING BUSINESS IN....SERIES Matthew Bender and Company 1275 Broadway Albany, NY 12204 Phone: 1-800-424-4200 Cost range: $160.00 to $835.00
A series of multiple-volume manuals on doing business in a number of foreign countries. Information includes legal environments, product liability, foreign investment, tax considerations, local forms of business incorporation, foreign investment and intellectual property.
WORLD TRADE RESOURCES GUIDE Gale Research Incorporated Penobscot Building Detroit, MI 48226 Phone: 313/961-2242 FAX: 313/961-6241 Price: $169.00
Eighty of the world's largest trading nations as well as many smaller countries. Includes country profiles, vital statistics on population, currency exchange rates, GNP/GDP, import/export/trade balance figures, major trading partners, principal commodities and imported and exported.
For several areas of the world, the information is at your fingertips from the U.S. Department of Commerce, if you have a touch-tone telephone and a fax. Dial the number, follow instructions and the requested information will automatically be faxed to you. The Automated Fax Delivery System Flash Facts are available 24 hours-a-day, seven days a week, free of charge.
Flash Facts are available for the following regions:
Eastern Europe Business Information Center (EEBIC) 202/482-5745. Information is available on specific Eastern European countries including Albania, Bosnia-Hercegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithunia, Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Slovak Republic and Slovenia.
Doing Business in Mexico 202/482-4464. Current trade-related documents concerning Mexico are available. Information is also available on the North American Free Trade Agreement; tariffs, permits and customs regulations; marketing, distribution and finance; investment; statistics and demographics. The same type of information is available for Canada by calling 202/482-3101.
Office of the Pacific Basin 202/482-3875 or 202/482-3646. Categories include general export information, regional and country information (Australia, Cambodia, Indonesia, Korea, Laos, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam).
Business Information Service for the Newly Independent States (BISNIS) 202/482-3145. Categories include U.S.-Newly Independent States trade statistics, current export and investment opportunities and upcoming trade events, general investment and defense conversion opportunities, World Bank and European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) opportunities, export and trade opportunities and BISNIS publications.
EXPORT TRADING COMPANY GUIDEBOOK U.S. Government Printing Office Superintendent of Documents Washington, D.C. 20402 Phone: 202/783-3238 or contact the Government Printing Office in your area. Price: $8.50
Produced by the Department of Commerce Office of Export Trading Company Affairs. Provides essential information on the functions and advantages of establishing or using export trading companies.
DIRECTORY OF LEADING EXPORT MANAGEMENT COMPANIES Third Edition Bergano Book Co. P.O. Box 190 Fairfield, CT 06430 Phone: 203/254-2054 FAX: 203/255-3817 Price: $49.50
Lists export management and trading companies, their product areas and their foreign language capabilities.
BERGANO'S REGISTER OF INTERNATIONAL IMPORTERS Bergano Book Co. P.O. Box 190 Fairfield, CT 06430 Phone: 203/254-2054 FAX: 203/255-3817 Price: $95.00
Contains thousands of entries of importing firms and major distributors in Europe, North America, the Middle East, Asia, Africa and Latin America.
MANUFACTURERS' AGENTS NATIONAL ASSOCIATION European Distributors P.O. Box 3467 Laguna Hills, CA 92654 Phone: 714/859-4040 Price: $37.50
Maintains a data bank of European distributors.
COMMERCIAL NEWS USA U.S. Department of Commerce 14th and Constitution Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20230 Phone: 202/482-4918
For a small fee, U.S. companies can list a photo and description of their product in Commercial News USA, which is distributed to more than 100,000 companies and government officials overseas.
EXPORT MAGAZINE Johnston International Publications 950 Lee Street Des Plaines, IL 60016 Phone: 708/296-0770 Price: $50.00 for 6 issues
Lists products of U.S. firms. Distributed worldwide.
AMERICAN LITERATURE REVIEW Thomas International Publication Five Penn Plaza New York, NY 10001 FAX: 212/629-1140
Sent to businesses around the world, ALR is a catalog of the product catalogs of hundreds of U.S. exporters.
AMERICAN EXPORT REGISTER Thomas International Publication Five Penn Plaza New York, NY 10001 Phone: 212/290-7213 FAX: 212/629-1140 Price: $120.00
A two volume, 3,000 page guide featuring names of U.S. exporters, their product listings in more than 4,200 categories, and where they export, by region.
THE WORLD TRADE SYSTEM: A COMPREHENSIVE REFERENCE GUIDE Gales Research, Inc. Penobscot Building Detroit, MI 48226 Phone: 313/961-2242 FAX: 313/961-6241 Price: $165.00
Provides trade activity for every country of the world. Information on principal exports, principal imports, principal trading partners, international economic relationships, membership in regional trading organizations and political data.
TRADE SHOWS WORLDWIDE Gale Research, Inc. Penobscot Building Detroit, MI 48226 Phone: 313/961-2242 FAX: 313/937-6241 Price: $195.00 Seventh Edition
Over 5,700 scheduled exhibitions, trade shows, association conventions, and similar events around the world are listed.
THE EXPORT OPERATION: PUTTING THE PIECES TOGETHER Unz & Company 190 Baldwin Avenue Jersey City, NJ 07306 Phone: 1-800-631-3098 Price: $55.00
Arranged as a series of recommendations from an industry expert to an imaginary shipper. Provides the guidance needed to avoid many of the pitfalls of foreign trade.
EXPORT DOCUMENTATION International Trade Institute, Inc. 5055 North Main Street Dayton, OH 45415 Phone: 1-800-543-2453 Price: $67.50
Examines steps that must be taken to process any international order.
EXPORT DOCUMENTATION AND PROCEDURES Unz & Company 190 Baldwin Avenue Jersey City, NJ 07306 Phone: 1-800-631-3098 Price: $55.00
Leads the new exporter through every element of the export process and introduces the experienced exporter to ways of doing things perhaps not yet considered.
INCOTERMS 1990 ICC Publishing, Inc. 156 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10010 Phone: 212/206-1150 Price: $24.95
Defines the thirteen 1990 trading terms and specifies the respective rights and obligations of buyer and seller in an international transaction.
TREATIES AND INTERNATIONAL DOCUMENTS USED IN INTERNATIONAL TRADE LAW ICC Publishing, Inc. 156 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10010 Phone: 212/206-1150 Price: $75.00
Complete text of the most useful instruments in international trade. Contains documents concerning contractual relations and documents related to the regulation of international litigations.
INTERNATIONAL EXPORTING AGREEMENTS Matthew Bender & Company International Division 1275 Broadway Albany, NY 12204 Phone: 1-800-424-4200 Price: $95.00
Guide to the negotiation and the drafting of contracts for export sales.
AN INTRODUCTION TO INTERNATIONAL BANKING SERVICES Marine Midland Bank 2 World Trade Center, 24th Floor New York, NY 10048 Phone: 212/912-2222 Price: $10.00
INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT & BANKING REPORT Business International 215 Park Avenue, South New York, NY 10003 Phone: 212/460-0600 FAX: 212/995-8837 Price: $590.00 per year
Methods, management structures and motivations of market players of all sizes. Examines markets as they respond to changes in the financial climate, and provides a monthly round up of the latest events, appointments and personnel moves.
INTERNATIONAL FINANCE LIBRARY Unz & Company 190 Baldwin Avenue Jersey City, NJ 07306 Phone: 1-800-631-3098 Price: $189.95 for 7 titles; individual title prices range from $39.95 to $99.95
Package includes seven titles that offer practical information about issues involved in financing international trade, getting paid by overseas customers and accounting for international ventures.
DICTIONARY OF INTERNATIONAL FINANCE John Wiley & Sons 605 Third Avenue New York, NY 10158 Phone: 1-800-225-5945 ISBN: 1-471-836-540 Price: $55.00
Definitions of over 300 trade-related terms.
FINANCING AND INSURING EXPORTS: A USER'S GUIDE TO EXIMBANK PROGRAMS Eximbank Public Affairs Office 811 Vermont Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20571 Phone: 1-800-424-5401
THE GLOBAL FINANCIAL HANDBOOK Business International 215 Park Avenue South New York, NY 10003 Phone: 212/460-0600 FAX: 212/995-8837 Price: $195.00
A reference manual including rules on remitting dividends and profits, repatriation of capital, trade financing, borrowing and investing instruments, tax rates, risk management tools and import and export controls.
GUIDE TO DOCUMENTARY CREDIT OPERATIONS ICC Publishing Corporation 156 Fifth Avenue, Suite 820 New York, NY 10010 Phone: 212/206-1150 Publication 415 Price: $18.95
EXPORT LETTERS OF CREDIT AND DRAFTS International Trade Institute, Inc. 5055 North Main Street Dayton, OH 45415 Phone: 1-800-543-2453 Price: $67.00
Explanation of letters of credit (LCs) transactions. Includes information on how to read LCs, examples of various types of LCs, and what to do when you cannot collect or comply.
UNIFORM RULES FOR COLLECTIONS ICC Publishing Corporation 156 Fifth Avenue, Suite 820 New York, NY 10010 Phone: 212/206-1150
Lists international guidelines for collections.
DICTIONARY OF SHIPPING TERMS Unz & Company 190 Baldwin Avenue Jersey City, NJ 07306 Phone: 1-800-631-3098 Price: $49.95
Lists all terms and abbreviations used in the movement of goods by water.
EXPORT ADMINISTRATION REGULATIONS U.S. Government Printing Office Superintendent of Documents Washington, DC 20402 Phone: 202/783-3238 or contact the Government Printing Office in your area. Price: Subscription $87.00 with updates
Provides in-depth information on export licenses, restrictive trade practices or boycotts, import regulations, documentation requirements and related information.
EXPORT AND IMPORT PROCEDURES AND DOCUMENTATION SERIES Unz & Company 190 Baldwin Avenue Jersey City, NJ 07306 Phone: 1-800-631-3098 Price: $55.00 for each document book
Series of document reference books for the most commonly used import/export and hazardous goods forms, includes, but not limited to, Shipper's Export Declaration, Shipper's letter of instructions, pro forma invoice, commercial invoice and Certificate of Origin.
EXPORT SHIPPING MANUAL Bureau of National Affairs Distribution Center 9435 Key West Avenue Rockville, MD 20850 Phone: 1-800-372-1033 Price: Three manuals $572.00 for one year subscription. Update every week as information changes.
EXPORT SHIPPING International Trade Institute 5055 North Main Street Dayton, OH 45415 Phone: 1-800-543-2453 Price: $67.50
Guide to understanding ocean/air tariffs, usage of ocean/air containers, how to obtain an international freight quotation, port marks on international cargo, international ocean/air shipping documents, basic trade terms and service organization.
INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING Unz & Company 190 Baldwin Avenue Jersey City, NJ 07306 Phone: 1-800-631-3098 Price: $75.00
Comprehensive exploration of the shipping industry.
SCHEDULE B STATISTICAL CLASSIFICATION OF DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN COMMODITIES EXPORTED FROM THE UNITED STATES U.S. Government Printing Office Superintendent of Documents Washington, D.C. 20402 Phone: 202/783-3238 or contact the Government Printing Office in your area. Price: Subscription $77.00 with updates and supplements (2 volumes)
JOURNAL OF COMMERCE SHIPYARDS Two World Trade Center, 27th Floor New York, NY 10048 Phone: 212/837-7000 Price: $295.00
Shipyards is a supplement to the Journal of Commerce. It lists scheduled sailings of vessels worldwide.
SHIPPING DIGEST Geyer-McAllister Publications 51 Madison Avenue New York, NY 10010 Phone: 212/689-4411 Price: $42.00 per year
Explores current topics related to international transportation.
LICENSING LAW HANDBOOK-EUROPE Clark Boardman, Ltd. 435 Hudson Street New York, NY 10014 Phone: 212/929-7500 Price: $90.00
General information on European licensing law.
INVESTING, LCENSING AND TRADING CONDITIONS ABROAD Business International 215 Park Avenue, South New York, NY 10003 Phone: 212/460-0600 FAX: 212/995-8837 Price: $1,765.00
Includes information on operating conditions and practices for 57 countries.
INTERNATIONAL TRADE AND THE U.S. ANTITRUST LAW Clark Boardman, Ltd. 435 Hudson Street New York, NY 10014 Phone: 212/929-7500 Price: $115.00
Looseleaf binder covering federal international trade regulations as they pertain to antitrust law.
WORLDWIDE GOVERNMENT DIRECTORY Belmont Publications 1454 Belmont Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20009 Phone: 1-800-332-3535 or 202/232-6334 FAX: 202/462-5478 Price: $297.00
A 1,200 page reference guide to virtually every key elected and appointed government official in 188 nations including all former Soviet Republics.
WORLDWIDE GOVERNMENT REPORT Belmont Publications 1454 Belmont Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20009 Phone: 1-800-332-3535 or 202/232-6334 FAX: 202/462-5478 Price: $395.00 for 26 issues
Provides analysis of ongoing changes in governmental structures and personnel around the world plus biographical information on the people involved. Bi-weekly.
U.S. Small Business Administration Answer Desk Dial 1-800-8-ASK-SBA
SBA ONLINE Electronic Bulletin Board From Washington, D.C. -- 202/401-9600 Toll free -- 1-800-697-4636 for a 9600 baud modem. Set communications software protocol for N (no parity), 8 (data bits), and 1 (stop bit). This is a 24-hour-a-day service with information on SBA export and financial assistance, speakers, SBA's women's mentor program, minority programs and a mail box for electronic conversations. -- 1-900-463-4636 for expanded service.
U.S. Agency for International Development Center for Trade and Investment Services (CTIS). Tailored country-specific information. 9:00-5:30 EST Monday through Friday 202/663-2660; 1-800-USAID-4-U FAX 202/663-2670
U.S. Department of Agriculture Trade Information: 202/720-7420
U.S. Customs Customs will help you identify your product's code under the Harmonized System (HS). Call 202/927-0370 for the phone number of the Customs office nearest you. U.S. Customs has a NAFTA hotline, too. Call 202/927-0066.
U.S. Department of Commerce Trade Information Center 1-800-872-8723 TDD 1-800-833-8723
National Trade Data Bank Help # 202/482-1986 8:30-4:30 Monday-Friday EST
Economic Bulletin Board (EBB) - 202/482-3870. This is a 24-hour service with information on trade leads and statistics. Compatible with 300, 1200, 2400 or 9600 bps using standard communications software. With 9600 bps service, call 202/482-1986. Staff available Monday-Friday 8:30 to 4:30; 202/482-1986. Subscribe through the Office of Business Analysis 202/482-1986.
U.S. Center for Standards and Certification Information Information on product standards, testing and certification. 301/975-4040
Export-Import Bank of the United States 1-800-424-5201
Overseas Private Investment Corporation 1-800-336-8799.
Presented by AT&T and the Hotline Referral Network in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Commerce. The Export Hotline, a corporate-sponsored, nationwide fax retrieval system providing international trade information for U.S. business. Its purpose is to help find new markets for U.S. products and services.
THE EXPORT OPPORTUNITY HOTLINE The Small Business Foundation of America 1155 15th Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20005 Phone: 1-800-243-7232 In Washington, DC: 202/223-1104
Answers questions about getting started in exporting. Advice on product distribution; documentation; licensing and insurance; export financing; analyzing distribution options; export management firms; customs; currency exchange systems and travel requirements.