
Saturday, December 22, 2007



Commerce Department Desk Officers are a source for information on
trade potential for U.S. products in specific countries. Desk officers
collect information on country's regulations, tariffs, business practices,
economic and political developments, market size and growth and trade data.

U.S. Department of Commerce
14th and Constitution Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20230

Country Phone (202) Room

Afghanistan 482-2954 2029B
Albania 482-4915 3413
Algeria 482-1870 2039
Angola 482-4228 3021
Antigua and
Barbuda 482-2527 3021
Anguilla 482-2527 3021

Country Phone (202) Room

Argentina 482-1548 3021
Aruba 482-2527 3020
Armenia 482-2354 3318
Azerbaijan 482-2354 3318
Australia 482-3646 2308
Austria 482-2920 3039
Bahamas 482-2527 3021
Bahrain 482-5545 2039
Baltic States 482-3952 3318
Bangladesh 482-2954 2029B
Barbados 482-2527 3021
Belarus 482-2354 3318
Belgium 482-5401 3042
Belize 482-2527 3021
Benin 482-4228 3317
Bermuda 482-2527 3021
Bhutan 482-2954 2029B
Bolivia 482-1659 3029
Botswana 482-4228 3317
Brazil 482-3871 3017
Brunei 482-3875 2308
Bulgaria 482-4915 3413
Burkina Faso 482-4388 3317
Burma 482-3875 2308
Burundi 482-4388 3317
Cambodia 482-3875 2308
Cameroon 482-5149 3317
Canada 482-3101 3303
Cape Verde 482-4388 3317
Caymans 482-2527 3021
Central African
Republic 482-4388 3020
Chad 482-4385 3317
Chile 482-1495 3017
China 482-2462 2317
Colombia 482-1859 3025
Comoro Islands 482-4564 3317
Congo 482-5149 3317
Costa Rica 482-2527 3021
Cuba 482-2527 3021
Cyprus 482-3945 3044
Czechoslovakia 482-2645 3143
Denmark 482-3254 3413
Djibouti 482-4564 3317
Dominica 482-2527 3021
Republic 482-2527 3021
Ecuador 482-1659 3025
Egypt 482-4441 2039
El Salvador 482-2527 3020

Country Phone (202) Room

Guinea 482-4228 3317
Estonia 482-2354 3318
Ethiopia 482-4564 3317
Community 482-5278 3036
Finland 482-3254 3413
France 482-8008 3042
Gabon 482-5149 3317
Gambia 482-4388 3317
Georgia 482-2354 3318
Germany 482-2434 3409
Ghana 482-5149 3317
Greece 482-3945 3042
Grenada 482-2527 3021
Guadeloupe 482-2527 3021
Guatemala 482-2527 3021
Guinea 482-4388 3317
Guinea-Bissau 482-4388 3317
Guyana 482-2527 3021
Haiti 482-2527 3021
Honduras 482-2527 3020
Hong Kong 482-3832 2317
Hungary 482-2645 3413
Iceland 482-3254 3037
India 482-2954 2029
Indonesia 482-3875 2308
Iran 482-1870 2039
Iraq 482-4441 2039
Ireland 482-2177 3039
Israel 482-1870 2039
Italy 482-2177 3045
Ivory Coast 482-4388 3317
Jamaica 482-2527 3021
Japan 482-2425 2318
Jordan 482-1857 2039
Kazakhstan 482-2354 3318
Kenya 482-4564 3317
Korea 482-4957 2308
Kuwait 482-1860 2039
Kyrgyzstan 482-2354 3318
Laos 482-3875 2308
Lebanon 482-4441 2039
Lesotho 482-4220 3317
Liberia 482-4388 3317
Libya 482-5545 2039
Luxembourg 482-5401 3046
Macao 482-2462 2317
Madagascar 482-4504 3317
Malawi 482-4228 3317
Malaysia 482-3875 2308
Maldives 482-2954 2029B
Country Phone (202) Room

Mali 482-4388 3317
Malta 482-3748 3049
Martinique 482-2527 3021
Mauritania 482-4388 3317
Mauritius 482-4564 3317
Mexico 482-0300 3028
Moldova 482-2354 3318
Mongolia 482-2462 2317
Montserrat 482-2527 3314
Morocco 482-5545 2039
Mozambique 482-5148 3317
Namibia 482-4228 3317
Nepal 482-2954 2029B
Netherlands 482-5401 3039
Antilles 482-2527 3021
New Zealand 482-3647 2308
Nicaragua 482-2527 3021
Niger 482-4388 3317
Nigeria 482-4288 3317
Norway 482-5149 3037
Oman 482-1870 2039
Islands 482-3647 2308
Pakistan 482-2954 2029B
Panama 482-2527 3020
Paraguay 482-1548 3021
People's Rep
of China 482-3583 2317
Peru 482-2521 2038
Philippines 482-3875 2308
Poland 482-2645 3413
Portugal 482-4508 3044
Puerto Rico 482-2527 3021
Qatar 482-1070 2039
Romania 482-2645 6043
Rwanda 482-4388 3317
Russia 482-2354 3318
Sƒo Tom‚ &
Pr¡ncipe 482-4338 3317
Saudi Arabia 482-4652 2039
Senegal 482-4388 3317
Seychelles 482-4564 3317
Sierra Leone 482-4388 3317
Singapore 482-3875 2308
Somalia 482-4564 3317
South Africa 482-5498 3317
Spain 482-4508 3045
Sri Lanka 482-2954 2029B
St. Barthelemy 482-2527 3021
St. Kitts-
Nevis 482-2527 3021

Country Phone (202) Room

St. Lucia 482-2527 3021
St. Martin 482-2527 3021
St. Vincent-
Grenadines 482-2527 3021
Sudan 482-4564 3317
Suriname 482-2527 3021
Swaziland 482-5148 3317
Sweden 482-4414 3037
Switzerland 482-2920 3039
Syria 482-4441 2039
Taiwan 482-4957 2308
Tajikistan 482-2354 3318
Tanzania 482-4228 3317
Thailand 482-3875 2308
Togo 482-5149 3317
Trinidad &
Tobago 482-2527 3021
Tunisia 482-1860 2039
Turkey 482-5373 3045
Turks & Caicos
Islands 482-2527 3021
Turkmenistan 482-2354 3318
Uganda 482-4564 3317
Ukraine 482-2354 3318
United Arab
Emirates 482-5545 2039
United Kingdom 482-3748 3045
Uruguay 482-1495 3021
Uzbekistan 482-2354 3318
Venezuela 482-4303 3029
Vietnam 482-3875 2308
Virgin Islands
(UK) 482-2527 3021
Virgin Islands
(US) 482-2527 3021
Yemen, Rep. of 482-1870 2039
Yugoslavia 482-2615 3413
Zaire 482-5149 3317
Zambia 482-4228 3317
Zimbabwe 482-4228 3317

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